BMGardenDesign di Monika Bokodi
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Shop Bouquet Orchid Dream Indietro
  • Orchid Dream
  • Orchid Dream
  • Orchid Dream
  • Orchid Dream
  • Orchid Dream

Orchid Dream

Bouquet con orchidee e rose, con vaso incorporato. Non richiede nessuna manutenzione e dura a lungo. Potete arricchirlo con dei pick e la borsa porta bouquet, acquistabili a parte. 


Our signature built-in vase bouquet with cymbidium orchids, roses and filler flowers. Very long lasting and maintenance free! You can add picks, our bouquet holder bag and a beautiful pop-up greeting card if you wish. The Delux version is bigger, with even more flowers.

€ 69,00
€ 75,00
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